Sonoran Desert Landscape


  1.  What is the book about?
  2.  Why was it written?
  3.  Who is the book for?
  4.  Who did the artwork for the cover?
  5.  What is the author’s personal background?
  6.  What is his professional history?
  7.  What goals does the author have for the book?
  8.  Where can people get the book?
  9.  Are there more books in the works?
  10.  How can people contact the author for speaking engagements?



First, give us some basics about yourself. Are you married? Do you have any children? Brothers and sisters? What are your hobbies?

I am married to a very special woman, Allyson. I’m very fortunate that we’re together. We married later in life and chose not to have children, but between us, we have fifteen nieces and nephews and they are like our surrogate children. We do have a cat, though. I  have three sisters and a brother that live here in Arizona and a half-brother that lives in Illinois. They are a corner stone to my life. My hobbies are reading, writing, physical fitness, and humor. Actually, they’re more my lifestyle than hobbies. Hiking the desert and mountains of Arizona is another one of my favorite pastimes – also fishing. Meaningful conversation is another.

What is your professional background?

I’ve been in the television and video production industry for almost thirty years. I’ve worked for three different TV stations in the areas of news and production and later started my own video production company, Canyon Productions. My skills are as a producer, writer, director, and director of photography. I do some on-camera and voice work, as well. I enjoy it all and I’ve met many wonderful people throughout my career.


What is your book about and why did you write it?

Rollovers, Rattlesnakes & UFOs is a spiritual memoir of eight very powerful and extraordinary experiences in my life. Though, some people may see these experiences as paranormal because of my UFO and other supernatural encounters. These stories depict how to stay positive through self-love and trust, no matter what circumstances come our way. I also call it a “Wild West” adventure because the backdrop of each story is in the Southwest – mostly in Arizona. I was inspired to write the book after surviving the third rollover accident of my life. It’s nothing more than Divine grace that I have the opportunity to talk to you about it. Before, I used to just share these stories with friends, family and certain strangers who seemed to be going through difficult times in hopes to comfort them and give them a more positive view about their situation. After sharing a story, they seemed to be reconnected with their soul and infused with more love. These stories had great meaning for me, and after that third rollover, I felt I’d better get them on paper while I had the opportunity. I believe the Creator gave me these experiences to turn into stories so others could benefit from them. 

You have seen UFOs?

Yes. I’ve seen three, but at different times, and there were other people with me each time. The first one was the most amazing one. We were very close to it. I have even met a few people who have claimed they were abducted. I know we are not alone in the universe, but I’m not out to prove anything to anyone. I’m just satisfied to share my experiences with others. We all have to make up our own minds about these things. It’s okay to believe or not. It’s more important to believe in ourselves and discover who we are. 

Where do the rattlesnakes come in?

Being that I grew up in the Sonoran Desert in Southern Arizona, it was my playground and there are many species of rattlesnakes that live there. Spending as much time in the desert as I have, it’s only natural that I would have run-ins with them – mostly, without incident, but a couple of times I wasn’t so lucky.

What about the “Wild West adventures” part?

Well, I had a bit of a wild side to me in my younger days, so some of my actions were a bit daring in nature, and those tendencies led me into some very wild and dangerous adventures. But really, life has thrown me some innocently, wild experiences. I now see these events as very normal and purposeful. I look at it all as a gift and nothing less. It’s just my path. I just hope sharing my path will help others with theirs.


Why do you call Rollovers, Rattlesnakes & UFOs a spiritual memoir?

I call it a spiritual memoir because I see my life as a spiritual experience. Therefore, whatever happens in it is spiritual. Not religious, but spiritual.

Who is the audience for the book?

It’s for everyone who is striving for greater understanding and comfort while they live out their own life’s purpose. I think Rollovers, Rattlesnakes & UFOs helps reinforce a person’s truth within them. If a person wants to broaden their awareness that there is more going on around them than meets the eye, it’s for them. They’ll share in my optimism that, no matter what happens in life, it’s all a great gift and we should always be grateful for it. It’s for those who want to really know who they are and feel even better about it. I think it’s for people who want to embrace life to its fullest.

Who did the beautiful artwork for the cover?

That is a beautiful cover. Prominent Sports and Native American artist, Gene Locklear, created a magnificent painting to be used for the cover. His rendering really captures the essence of the book. Gene is a full-blooded member of the Lumbee Indian Nation in North Carolina. He also spent ten years in Major League Baseball playing for the Cincinnati Reds, San Diego Padres, and the New York Yankees. Some of his clients include the White House, Pentagon, Bureau of Indian Affairs, the NFL and many professional athletes. Gene offered to do the cover after he read the book. I’m very fortunate that we met.   

Will there be more books?

Yes, there will be others. I have many stories that I want to share and I’m hoping to use the rest of my life to write them.

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